Institute for Legal Informatics News
Festschrift for Jürgen Taeger Published

Festschrift for Jürgen Taeger Published

Professors of the Institute for Legal Informatics honor the merits of Prof. Dr. Prof. h.c. Jürgen Taeger by participating in the Festschrift on the occasion of his 65th birthday.

Prof. Dr. Jan Eichelberger wrote an article on the topic "Compensation of immaterial damages in case of data protection violations" ("Ersatz immaterieller Schäden bei Datenschutzverstößen") (pp. 137-156). Professor Eichelberger examines the Union law requirements for the interpretation and application of the claim for compensation for immaterial damages in the case of data protection violations contained in Art. 82 (1) GDPR. He shows that although this claim for damages is intended to compensate the person concerned in full, neither the GDPR nor other Union law requires overcompensatory damages - e.g. for preventive reasons. Only damage actually incurred is to be compensated.

Prof. Dr. Christian Heinze, as co-editor of the Festschrift, wrote a contribution on "Patent Infringement by Development, Application and Distribution of Artificial Neural Networks" ("Patentverletzung durch Entwicklung, Anwendung und Verbreitung künstlicher neuronaler Netze") (pp. 663-710). Prof. Heinze examines possible infringement actions and the attribution of "autonomous" infringement actions of AI systems.

The person honored with the commemorative publication, Professor Dr. Prof. h.c. Jürgen Taeger, was employed at the Institute for Legal Informatics from 1982 as a research assistant and university assistant to Prof.em. Dr. Dr. h.c. Wolfgang Kilian, the founder and then director of the Institute for Legal Informatics, worked here from 1982 onwards, obtaining his doctorate in 1987 and finally his habilitation in 1994 with a thesis on non-contractual liability for defective computer programs. In 1996 Jürgen Taeger accepted a call to the Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg; he retired there at the end of October.

"Festschrift for Jürgen Taeger" was published in German language by Verlag Fachmedien Recht und Wirtschaft. (Here callably on